New LID Paddle Mixer

  1. Qualicaps model F-40 capsule filling machine w/size 0 change parts included.
  2. Qualicaps model S-125 capsule sealing machine w/size 0 change parts included.


New Custom fabricated Paddle Mixer models are high-efficiency mixers that provide a no/low shear effect on ingredients why aggressively mixing.  Paddle mixers are one of the most diverse mixers available as they can be used for blending dry, powdery, granular, fibrous, and moist solids and liquids together with pasty products up to and including highly viscous products

Along with being very diverse because of the products/ingredients they can mix, they are also very versatile in regards to different processes needed, such as compounding, fine mixing, dispersing, suspending, emulsifying, deaerating, tempering, accelerating chemical or physical reactions, granulating, breaking down agglomerating & more…

Sizes 5 liter – 5,000 Liter

Options of high shear, CIP, and more in any material needed.

Paddle mixers are available in numerous configurations, including:

• Horizontal Paddle Mixers & Mixers/Dryers

Vertical Paddle Mixers & Mixers/Dryers

Dual & Single Shaft Paddle Mixers (Fluidized Zone Mixers)